
Best of 2009 – MMusic

The music you hear pretty much says who you are. And, looking back at the music we heard in a period of time always allows us to remember those moments that changed us, moments that have made us who we are and sometimes define our direction, our dreams and aspirations. We will remember for instance, when we first heard a song, a great concert, or that wonderful night out with friends, and even sometimes, that terrible moment we have struggled to forget or the happiness we felt on a glorious day.

Picking your favorite albums is nothing more than selecting the playlist of your life. It’s rediscovering your ambitions; it’s living your dreams again and celebrating your victories. Sometimes though, it is also remembering the sadness you felt, the loneliness of a moment that has passed and the uncertainty of what comes next. Looking at your music allows you to discover something about yourself, something that perhaps although you have known for a while becomes more evident at the moment you hit the PLAY button.

This year, my list diverges from others, probably telling the story of a busy but exciting year, one that although kept me apart from friends and family was able to provide me with wonderful personal and professional moments, all of them accompanied by great music often being the only fuel I had to moving on.

Looking at Amarillo’s list, my true Musical Soulmate, I realize our experiences in 2009 were different, our hearts and souls moved in multiple directions, and only some of them intersected at a common place. This, however, is all good…these differences offer us a way for sharing our experiences and talking about the laughs and tears we lived this year. It also reminds us that although similar we differ, but that in the end, we will always have music to bring us together.

This is my list for 2009, with a video of a live performance, which as you know it's what I like the most..

Enjoy, and all the best for 2010.


01. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - Up from Below

02. Fanfarlo – Reservoir

03. Grizzly Bear-Veckatimest

04. The Antlers- Hospice

05. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love

06. Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

07. Yeah Yeah Yeahs – It’s blitz!

08. The Felice Brothers - Yonder is the Clock

09. Metric - Fantasies

10. Noah and the Whale - First Days of Spring

And my extra five...

11. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career

12. Dark Was The Night - Various Artists

13. The Swell Season - Strict Joy

14. Beirut - March of the Zapotec

15. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

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