Mauro Remiddi, an Italian living in London, appears shy from the beginning. His band, Porcelain Raft played last week on May 31 at the the unique and somewhat shady Kung Fu Necktie, a venue located underneath the L station in the rough Kensington area of Philadelphia, adding awkwardness to Remiddi's interaction with the crowd. That was until he faced them guitar in hand.
Porcelain Raft’s dreamy pop sound is grand and their music is delivered with a unique and somewhat unfamiliar edge. Their 2012 release “Strange Weekend” is a magic album, released by Secretly Canadian that combines deep lyrics with heartbreaking ballads embellished with somewhat predictive chord changes and a soft voice that provides a worth noting psychedelic flavor.
Porcelain Raft’s show was brilliant though short, and can be added to the numerous list of surprisingly good quality artists that pass often through the Kung Fu Necktie before getting too big. ”Take me away, directionless; it doesn’t have to make any sense; use what you have, I’ll follow you; Use what you have, don’t you worry now..” screeched Remiddi in “Drifting in and out” his opening song for the night.
From there on, he had me.
I leave you with two clips from his recent show at Cafe de la Danse in Paris (May 18, 2012) days before his show in Philly.
The End of Silence
The Way In
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