As a periodic contributor to MUSICAL SOULMATE, I would like to see what you guys have thought about this year, its new music and what have you guys been listening to. Unlike last year, 2009 has been extremely busy for me and for one reason or the other I have not been in Mexico at, I am sure my so-called picks for 2009 are going to be completely different than yours...and I am sure, I will discover great things by looking at your choices...
So, I propose sending your choices (at least 10) before July 15 to any of the contributors to MUSICAL SOULMATE, we'll put the lists together and publish them by the end of the month...what do you think?

Here is mine, ...and looking at it, I think I am getting too mellow...
1. Fanfarlo - Reservoir
2. The Felice Brothers - Yonder is the clock
3. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Its blitz
4. Metric - Fantasies
5. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
6. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
7. The Church - Untitled #23
8. The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love
9. Great Northern -Remember where the light is
10. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
11. St. Vincent - Actor
12. Grizzly Bear-Veckatimest
13. Death Cab for Cutie - The Open Door
Special mention to the Dark Was The Night Compilation.

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