
Half Awake...The National coming back to Philly on Friday

The National will play again in Philadelphia after almost a year when they opened to REM at the Mann Center for Performing Arts along with Modest Mouse..After that, I heard them for the last time at NYC during Central Park's Summer Stage series in August 2008. This, was probably the best of the 4 The National's concerts I have been to, and since then I have waited patiently for the right time to see this band again...

Those who know me well would recognize that this band has certainly contributed to a large extent to the playlist of my life and represent without a doubt one of my favorite bands ever...

I am ready for the fifth, which I am sure will satisfy my expectations once more...The Electric Factory in Philly seems like the right venue for what I expect to be an amazing night...

Here's a taste of last year's performance at Central Park

Half awake


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