I cannot add much more to the deep admiration we have shown in this blog for the music from The Antlers.
Since their "Hospice" masterpiece to their exquisite "Burst Apart" from this year we have followed the band very closely. Some of the MUSICAL SOULMATE folks have even had the pleasure of sharing great moments with the band during their recent trip to Mexico City... Unfortunately, I was not that lucky.
This week, Daytrotter released a session with The Antlers, which as always, can be fully downloaded from their site.
As always, their review is spot on, and when referring to The Antlers music they say "The trio of musicians reenact these sensations on their latest full-length album, "Burst Apart," putting you in a menagerie without the animals. The animals are replaced with conflicting emotions - the dreaminess of lead singer Peter Silberman's vocals, the praying mantis-like sizzles of Darby Cicci synths on "Parentheses" and the push along sleuthing of late night drums from stick man Michael Lerner - and they're all finding ways to coexist, to slide by and over one another, rubbing hides and causing friction. These are competing feelings that always seem as if they're moments away from turning into something else at any second. For now, they're fine. They feel stable and of gentle hearts, but like our threatening automobile, they give us this awful shaking every so often. We worry about what's going to happen. Then nothing happens and we let out a huge exhale. Most of the time, nothing happens when we're worried the most. We overreact and it causes our blood pressure to skyrocket. We make ourselves sick with it, but we usually feel as if we were right to have worried. Silberman, you can tell, is a worrier, and these are his shaking feelings. He's dressing them up in dashing suits and lustrous scarves, but beneath it all are these shakes. We can feel them, even if lightly, and they're menacing. We know it's just a matter of time before we feel the full extent."
Worth noting is that in these rough times, Daytrotter is also changing and evolving into a pay site that I personally recommend for your consideration based on the great bands, new music and information they have provided for almost six years now.
Below, I add the link to this great session and I leave you with a question this time...
Would "Burst Appart" be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 in you list for best albums of 2011?...just give it a thought.
The Antlers-Daytrotter Session Nov 23, 2011