Definitivo emociona verlos en el Zilker Park, ojalá lleguemos a tiempo para verlos en el stubb's, así la del Corona Capital sería la tercera... en una semana.
Les dejo "Wear & Tear" que si bien ya existía como lado B del vinyl de "Miami", ahora la están regalando.
Una semana para ACL y contando!
Foals // Free Download Track // Wear & Tear //: "Enter your details to get a free download of the final track from the Total Life Forever sessions, recorded at Svenska Grammofon Studios, but not included on the record. It has only been available on vinyl previously, as the b-side to miami on one of the two limited 7's."
NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert - Lost in The Trees
Continuing on the coverage for Lost in The Trees, the band recently appeared at NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert Series.
Here, Bob Boilen, host of the show did not hesitate on calling them his favorite new band of 2010. A high distinction for this new and extremely young band from Chapel Hill, N.C. led by Ari Picker, who plays a 12-string guitar that's been converted to six strings, Drew Anagnost and Leah Gibson on cello, Mark Daumen on tuba, bass and glockenspiel, Emma Nadeau on French horn and accordion, Jenavieve Varga on violin and Yan Westerlund on drums.
The band's first record, All Alone in an Empty House, is filled with classical and folk sounds that decorate heartbreaking lyrics like that from the song featured below "Song for the Painter".
This song is for the painter
who lost both of her hands
and this song is for the wanderer
who never came home again
for all those with broken hearts
I know what your going through
I had a true love once
But now they've gone and left me blue
So now where i like to swim
to the bottom of the ocean
Then ill scream as loud as i can
where theres no one i can frighten
so id do anything to cry
id do anything to cry
let this pain fall from my eyes
And let time heal my insides
I shout out to my grandparents
Hope you find eachother in heaven
I shout out to my grandparents
Hope you find eachother in heaven
and to all of my friends
sorry i left you behind
and if i ever come back home
will you pour me a glass of wine
and id do anything to cry
id do anything to cry
let this pain fall from my eyes
and let time heal my insides
This song is for the painter
who lost both of her hands
and if i ever find my heart darling
i promise to come home again
Here, Bob Boilen, host of the show did not hesitate on calling them his favorite new band of 2010. A high distinction for this new and extremely young band from Chapel Hill, N.C. led by Ari Picker, who plays a 12-string guitar that's been converted to six strings, Drew Anagnost and Leah Gibson on cello, Mark Daumen on tuba, bass and glockenspiel, Emma Nadeau on French horn and accordion, Jenavieve Varga on violin and Yan Westerlund on drums.
The band's first record, All Alone in an Empty House, is filled with classical and folk sounds that decorate heartbreaking lyrics like that from the song featured below "Song for the Painter".
This song is for the painter
who lost both of her hands
and this song is for the wanderer
who never came home again
for all those with broken hearts
I know what your going through
I had a true love once
But now they've gone and left me blue
So now where i like to swim
to the bottom of the ocean
Then ill scream as loud as i can
where theres no one i can frighten
so id do anything to cry
id do anything to cry
let this pain fall from my eyes
And let time heal my insides
I shout out to my grandparents
Hope you find eachother in heaven
I shout out to my grandparents
Hope you find eachother in heaven
and to all of my friends
sorry i left you behind
and if i ever come back home
will you pour me a glass of wine
and id do anything to cry
id do anything to cry
let this pain fall from my eyes
and let time heal my insides
This song is for the painter
who lost both of her hands
and if i ever find my heart darling
i promise to come home again
Lost in The Trees - La Blogotheque
"Time taunts me"...yes, it does. And trying to write something else in addition to the lyrics makes absolutely no sense.
Time taunts me.
says, ''you're getting older. are you growing colder, hmm?"
and time and time again,
i doubt who i am.
what a tragic ending.
don't let go of my hand.
And today,
i'll give you all my time.
and you can count on me,
for you look so tired.
And today,
it's time for you to rest.
i know you've done your best,
so rest your aching mind.
Time taunts me.
says, ''you're getting older. are you growing colder, hmm?"
and time and time again,
i doubt who i am.
what a tragic ending.
don't let go of my hand.
And today,
i'll give you all my time.
and you can count on me,
for you look so tired.
And today,
it's time for you to rest.
i know you've done your best,
so rest your aching mind.
Lost In The Trees | A Take Away Show | Time Taunts Me from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.
The Walkmen - Live on The Interface
New Album: Lisbon
Pitchfork: "He's sad and pathetic and needy and yet somehow still smooth, which is sort of the central animating paradox at the heart of the Walkmen. They make these wounded, anxious songs, but they make them so confidently, with such unearthly rich-guy assurance."
The Rural Alberta Advantage
Otra banda Canadiense, con su base en Toronto, Ontario. RAA tenía la fama local de ser la mejor banda Canadiense no firmada por ningún sello, hasta que Saddle Creek decide editar formalmente su primer disco en el 2009. El disco se llama Hometowns, y esta joya es el último track del mismo... enjoy.
Lost in the trees
Buena banda de Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Les dejo el link para comprar su disco y un vid del sencillo. Por cierto MM, 5 de Octubre at Johnny Brendas...
Happy Birthday MM!!!
When I wake up/ in the morning/ I pour the coffee/ read the paper/ then I slowly/ and so softly/ do the dishes/ feed the fishes/ sing me Happy Birthday/ sing it like it's going to be your last day/ like it's halleujah/ don't just let it pass on through ya/ it's a giant among cliches/ and thats why I want you to sing it anyway/ sing me Happy Birthday/ cause hell what's it all about/ anyway/ sing me Happy Birthday/ Happy Birthday/ like it's gonna be your last day/ here on earth.
To my best friend, my favourite person on earth, my brother... my musical soulmate... Happy Birthday MM!!!
To my best friend, my favourite person on earth, my brother... my musical soulmate... Happy Birthday MM!!!
Sky at Night - I Am Kloot
I Am Kloot es una banda de Manchester, Inglaterra. Formada por John Bramwell, Peter Jobson y Andy Heargraves en 1999. Su sexto álbum titulado "Sky at Night" salió a la venta el 5 de Julio bajo el sello Shepherd Moon, producido por Craig Potter y Guy Garvey de Elbow.
Otro de los discos nominados en el 2010 para el Mercury Prize, que finalmente se quedó en manos de The xx. El "Sky at Night" es definitivamente una joya imperdible. Canciones con una lírica increíble, un disco de folk inglés que te atrapa desde el primer track, "Northern Skies", uno de mis favoritos.
Otro de los discos nominados en el 2010 para el Mercury Prize, que finalmente se quedó en manos de The xx. El "Sky at Night" es definitivamente una joya imperdible. Canciones con una lírica increíble, un disco de folk inglés que te atrapa desde el primer track, "Northern Skies", uno de mis favoritos.
The xx - Mercury Prize 2010

Como todos ya saben The xx ganó merecidamente el día de ayer el Mercury Prize, premio que se otorga al mejor disco del año en el Reino Unido e Irlanda. Disco producido por ellos e incluso mezclado por Jamie Smith, uno de sus miembros, con ayuda de Rodaidh McDonald, lo que hace a esta joya aún más especial.
Es verdad que muchos hoy critican el otorgamiento, a todos nos encanto el Sigh No More de Mumford & Sons o el Total Life Forever de Foals, pero creo que como obra completa el premio estuvo bien otorgado. Suertudos todos los que tendremos la oportunidad de verlos en vivo muy pronto, si ejecutan bien en el escenario, si tienen buen Ingeniero o el venue no se presta... no importa, afortunados todos los que abrimos el corazón a la belleza de este disco.
Salud por Romy, Oliver & Jamie, que el futuro nos permita disfrutar mucha más de su música.
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