Creo que he sido claro, a juzgar por mis multiples mensajes acerca de la situacion actual y la posible pandemia de Swine Flu, que la idea de un viaje a Europa, por un grupo de personas que viven en la Ciudad de Mexico, es algo que desapruebo por completo. Ideologica, cientifica y moralmente se me hace sin duda que esta no es la mejor decision, ni la mas responsable en este momento.
Sin embargo, les deseo feliz viaje y les dejo un video de una rola que debe ser escuchada en Paris, caminando por los antrillos y restaurantes de St Michel, tal como James, Amarillo y yo lo hicimos en Febrero de 2008.
Y si el presupuesto les alcanza, porque no sentarse a tomar un "chocolat chaud" en Les Deux Magots (6 place Saint-Germain-des-Prés - 75006 Paris) donde lo han hecho gentes grandes como Picasso, Sartre, Hemingway y Simone de Beauvoir. El cafe esta justo en frente de la iglesia (Saint-Germain-des-Prés).
El video, sugiere tambien que solo el mismisimo Pillo podria personalizar al gran Peter Sarstedt...que como cualquier one-hit wonder lo unico grande en su caso era el bigote y el peinado.
MM (a very angry MM)
The Felice Brothers…Live at The Trocadero in Philadelphia
Any band that sings about putting more whiskey in their whiskey is guaranteed to be a good time live...that's how I see it.
The Felice Brothers came back to Philadelphia last Thursday (April 16) after several sold out shows last year and of course their headlining spot on The Philadelphia Folk Festival last summer. This band is doing quite well for themselves in Philly and this time The Trocadero Theater was the chosen venue.
Rarely you'll stumble into a group of very talented guys with a wide range of choices. They go from pure Dylan-ish sounds to rough edgy country tunes in which sometimes they appear to have more fun than the audience itself. This is a gang of hard-living, bourbon-soaked degenerates who at times play like angels (or at least real musicians), including songs about love, booze, guns and heartbreak. Their live performance can go from breathtaking to annoying, always very sloppy, but at all times having a lot of attitude to spare. Huge improvements in their sound could be done by simple instrument shuffling on stage, but then again that would be tiding things up, something unimportant to these guys.
You may or may not like Americana, but if you are willing to give it a shot, this is the band to look for...their self-titled debut album and the new "Yonder is the clock" are both great places to start...
Could not find nice vids at youtube from the Philly concert, so I add a couple from other live performances...
The Felice Brothers came back to Philadelphia last Thursday (April 16) after several sold out shows last year and of course their headlining spot on The Philadelphia Folk Festival last summer. This band is doing quite well for themselves in Philly and this time The Trocadero Theater was the chosen venue.
Rarely you'll stumble into a group of very talented guys with a wide range of choices. They go from pure Dylan-ish sounds to rough edgy country tunes in which sometimes they appear to have more fun than the audience itself. This is a gang of hard-living, bourbon-soaked degenerates who at times play like angels (or at least real musicians), including songs about love, booze, guns and heartbreak. Their live performance can go from breathtaking to annoying, always very sloppy, but at all times having a lot of attitude to spare. Huge improvements in their sound could be done by simple instrument shuffling on stage, but then again that would be tiding things up, something unimportant to these guys.
You may or may not like Americana, but if you are willing to give it a shot, this is the band to look for...their self-titled debut album and the new "Yonder is the clock" are both great places to start...
Could not find nice vids at youtube from the Philly concert, so I add a couple from other live performances...
Amigos, siempre es genial toparse con bandas que nos emocionan, para mí ocurre definitivamente con Fanfarlo, esta banda de Londres comandada por el Sueco Simon Balthazar sacó desde el 2006 algunos sencillos y finalmente en 2009 "Reservoir", su primer LP. Indie-Folk, suena a Arcade Fire antes de ser millonarios, jeje... tienen una Black Cab Session además de aparecer en varios de los blogs y sitios de culto que frecuentamos. Les dejo su disco y un vid para que los vayan conociendo, saludos a todos.

Við spilum endalaust & Vlad the impaler
Amigos, otra entrega increíble de Vincent Moon, Sigur Rós tocando en "La Closerie des lilas" en Paris un track de su increíble "Med sud í eyrum vid spilum endalaust"... me encantó como sonó... si quieren la canción en la versión del disco den click aquí.
Les dejo también la nueva de Kasabian, "Vlad the impaler" (link)... me gustó, me agradan esas canciones que se orientan a la pista de baile pero con actitud, menos cómicas. Primer sencillo de su disco "West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum" que saldrá a la venta en Junio de este año.
R.I.P. Kurt... We miss you
A 15 años de la muerte de Cobain, el mundo lo sigue recordando y extrañando...
Ponytail...April's fool joke or real artists?

Truly it is sometimes very thin the line dividing a true artist and a is however even fuzzier when you stumble into someone like Molly Siegel from Ponytail...I saw their show as an opening act to Los Campesinos and to be honest the line became more and more difficult to discern...their live show is surprisingly entertaining and her undoubtedly crazy performance grabs you along but reminds you at all times that everything you are looking at could very well be simply a joke...
Daytrotter gives a beautiful description of Molly, her music, her bandmates and the concept called Ponytail... they say, "How do you describe Molly Siegel? The lead singer for Baltimore band Ponytail is a whole host of who knows the hell what. She’s an artist without brakes or rules, looking at the side of a building and then getting out a number of drums of paint. She works under the gun, without a script, and gets to the wall with a brush in each hand - splashing blue here and red there, white over there and black where she knows it needs to be, all the while getting an enormous amount of the paint all over her own body. It’s like her sun tan....She splashes and squiggles and before too long, something emerges on that wall. It’s got definition and contours. It’s got shape and identifiable characteristics, but at the same time, it’s as if the finished product had been zapped, had its finger shoved into an electrical socket. It’s frazzled and yet shakily in one piece. She throws the brushes down and is satisfied with what she’s just breathed life into, this sweeping siren song to motion-sick and to those who aren’t afraid to dig the weirdness that this foursome (which is filled out by Dustin Wong, Jeremy Hyman and Ken Seeno) makes with the ease of a right hand turn on green."
At the end, trying to write something coherent about Molly or her band is tough...very tough and you keep asking yourself if you should even take them so seriously or run with the flow and see where time takes them...
Here's the link to their Daytrotter Session and a vid from their performance...judge by yourselves...
Daytrotter Session - Ponytail
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